The insulated Bread Door with a window made out of glass is designed to keep the oven hermetically closed, without losing the joy and heat of vivid flames inside the oven. With the integrated AirWash inlet, the glass will not be affected by smoke particles and stay clean. Keeping moisture and steam inside is ideal for baking bread and pastry, and keeping all heat inside is ideal for slow roasts, oven dishes and much more. As an additional feature, you may opt for safety by shielding your children and tablecompany from flames.
Hiite -resistant powder -coated stainless steel , Hardwood handle , Heat -resistant glass
What's in the box?
- Insulated bread door with glass
- Suspension piece and final piece
- Set with bolts to assemble
When will my box be delivered?
- Within 2 to 3 days
A door, with glass!
The bread door can be closed hermetically thanks to the wear-resistant and heat-resistant cord that serves as a frame. Ideal for baking bread or other things that want steam or moisture. But also for slow cooking!

Supplied with a closing piece so you can easily hook the door in and out whenever you want.
AirWash to prevent smoke build-up on the glass. Keep open when on fire, close when the flame dies down. Also ideal for letting off steam.