The custom-made Grill & Roast tool blows a new wind in the barbecue arena. The easy-in/out sliding system in which the grill fits ensures a safe and smooth grill experience. If you enjoy a grilled piece of meat, grilled veggies, or gambas on a stick – this is definitely something for you. The grill contains a retractable grill rack with double-sided grill plate which offers a huge range of options: the flat side as a plancha for coquilles and fish, and the side with the relief for pieces of meat or asparagus, for example.Thanks to this polyvalent barbecue and grill rack, you can make the oven swiftly compatible to grill, bake and roast. The grill rack is suitable for the double-sided grill plate. Attach the rack to the retractable handle for easy movement. Use the rack by burning wood on the side of the oven or divide coals underneath the rack. The advantage of this system is that you can grill in an oven without having liquid residue of the dishes dripping in the charcoals and spreading unpleasant damps. It’s also a lot healthier: the smoke from the charcoal does not penetrate the food as we grill underneath the flame and on a hot and closed off grill plate. Wood aroma? No worries, that will still be there! This package is compatible with Vonken Home and Vonken Original.
Stainless steel , Cast iron , Hardwood
What's in the box?
- Grill slide with hard keeping handles
- Double -sided cast iron grill plate
When will my box be delivered?
- Within 2 to 3 days
Grilling has never been easier

You can't grill any healthier: grilling with the hot flame that rages above the grill plate ensures fast and crispy cooking, without your meat or fish drying out. Because of the hot cast iron grill plate, the bottom also grills.

The Vonken grill system simply slides over the stones without damaging them. The front of the grill rests on the extendable slider, making it easy to get in and out and take a grilling break.